39 Extreme Frugality Tips to save thousands of Dollars

By | January 17, 2024

In a world where expenses seem to rise faster than incomes, adopting extreme frugality is a smart move. Saving money isn’t just about pinching pennies; it’s a mindset that can lead to financial freedom. In this article, we’ll explore 51 extreme frugality tips that can help you save thousands of dollars.

1. Meal Planning

Meal planning is a simple yet powerful strategy to cut down on food expenses. It involves organizing your meals for the week, helping you avoid impulse purchases and reducing food waste.

By planning your meals, you can create a shopping list with only the necessary ingredients. This minimizes the chances of buying items you don’t need and ensures you use all the purchased groceries.

Begin by listing the meals you want to prepare for the week. Check your pantry and refrigerator to see what ingredients you already have. Create a shopping list based on what you need, and stick to it when you go to the store.

2. Couponing

Couponing is a classic money-saving technique that involves using discount coupons to reduce the cost of your purchases. Collect coupons from newspapers, online sources, or store circulars. Use them during checkout to receive discounts on specific items or even total purchases.

Start by collecting coupons from various sources. Organize them based on expiration dates and categories. When shopping, match the coupons with items on your list to maximize savings.

3. Buying Generic Brands

Opting for generic or store brands instead of name brands can significantly cut down your grocery expenses. Generic brands often offer similar quality as name brands at a lower price. By making the switch, you can enjoy the same products without the hefty price tag.

Experiment with a few generic products to find ones you like. Gradually replace name brands with their generic counterparts to see the impact on your grocery bill.

4. DIY Haircuts

Taking the scissors into your own hands might sound daunting, but DIY haircuts can be a practical and money-saving skill to master. With a bit of courage and the right tools, you can achieve a decent haircut without the salon price tag.

DIY haircuts involve trimming, shaping, or even completely restyling your hair at home. While it may seem intimidating initially, with practice, you can gain confidence and save a considerable amount on regular salon visits.

Choose a simple style for your initial attempts and watch online tutorials for step-by-step guidance. Practice on small sections, take your time, and consider asking a friend or family member for assistance, especially with hard-to-reach areas. Remember, perfection may not be achieved on your first attempt, but with practice, you’ll refine your skills, saving money and gaining a sense of accomplishment in the process.

5. Cancel GYM Memberships

With the rising popularity of home workouts and alternative fitness options, canceling your gym membership can be a practical move to save money without sacrificing your fitness goals. Many people find effective and budget-friendly ways to stay active outside the traditional gym setting.

Canceling your gym membership involves assessing your current fitness routine and exploring alternative options that align with your goals. From home workouts and outdoor activities to budget-friendly fitness apps, there are numerous alternatives that can provide the same benefits without the monthly gym expense.

It can free up a significant portion of your monthly budget while still enabling you to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

6. Unplug Unused Electronics

Even when turned off, electronic devices consume energy if they’re plugged in. Unplugging them when not in use can lead to noticeable energy savings. Electronic devices in standby mode still draw power. Unplugging them eliminates this “phantom” energy usage, reducing your overall electricity bill.

Identify electronics that are frequently unused and unplug them when not in use. Consider using power strips to easily disconnect multiple devices at once.

7. Lowering Thermostat

Reducing your thermostat by a few degrees in the winter and increasing it in the summer can result in substantial energy savings. Heating and cooling account for a significant portion of household energy consumption. Adjusting your thermostat can lower your utility bills without sacrificing comfort.

Experiment with temperature settings to find a comfortable yet energy-efficient range. Dress warmly in the winter and use fans in the summer to complement thermostat adjustments.

8. Switching to LED Bulbs

Replacing incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs is an upfront investment that pays off in the long run through energy savings and longer bulb lifespan. LED bulbs are more energy-efficient and durable than traditional incandescent bulbs. They consume less electricity and last significantly longer, reducing the frequency of replacements.

Gradually replace incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs as they burn out. Take advantage of sales or discounts to make the transition more cost-effective.

9. Carpooling

Sharing rides with others going in the same direction helps save on fuel costs, reduces vehicle wear and tear, and lowers your carbon footprint.
Coordinate with friends, neighbors, or coworkers to share rides to common destinations. This reduces the number of vehicles on the road and distributes the expenses among passengers.

Identify potential carpool partners and discuss a schedule that works for everyone. Set clear expectations regarding cost-sharing and establish a system for coordination.

10. Public Transportation

Using public transportation instead of owning a car can be a cost-effective and environmentally friendly choice. Public transportation eliminates the expenses associated with vehicle ownership, including fuel, maintenance, and insurance. Depending on your location, it may also save you time by avoiding traffic.

Research public transportation options in your area, including buses, trains, or subways. Calculate the potential savings by comparing the costs of public transportation to owning and maintaining a vehicle.

11. Walking or Biking

Embracing alternative modes of transportation, like walking or biking, not only saves money but also promotes a healthy lifestyle. For short distances, walking or biking can be faster than driving, and it eliminates fuel costs entirely. Additionally, it contributes to improved physical fitness.

Identify nearby destinations suitable for walking or biking. Start with short trips and gradually expand to longer distances as you become more comfortable with these alternative modes of transportation.

12. DIY Cleaning Products

Creating your own cleaning products using simple ingredients can save money and reduce exposure to harsh chemicals. Basic household items like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon can be combined to make effective and affordable cleaning solutions. This not only cuts costs but also minimizes environmental impact.

Research and gather simple recipes for DIY cleaning products. Invest in reusable spray bottles and containers to store your homemade solutions.

13. Repurposing Old Items

Give old items a new purpose instead of discarding them. This not only saves money but also encourages creativity. Old furniture, clothing, or containers can be repurposed into new and functional items. This reduces the need to buy new things and minimizes waste.

Before discarding items, think creatively about how they could be repurposed. Explore online tutorials or DIY blogs for inspiration on turning old items into something useful.

14. Learning Basic Home Repairs

Acquiring basic home repair skills can save significant money on hiring professionals for minor fixes around the house. Learn how to fix common household issues like leaky faucets, creaky doors, or simple electrical problems. This not only cuts repair costs but also empowers you to maintain your home.

Start with simple repairs by watching online tutorials or taking basic home improvement classes. Gradually tackle more complex tasks as you gain confidence in your abilities.

15. Repair Clothing

In a throwaway culture, learning to repair clothing can be a valuable skill that not only saves money but also reduces your environmental footprint. Instead of discarding items with minor flaws, repairing them can extend their lifespan and keep your wardrobe budget-friendly.

Clothing repair involves fixing small tears, replacing buttons, or patching up holes. By addressing these issues promptly, you prevent the need for frequent replacements, ultimately saving money and contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle.

16. Use Bar Soap

Making the switch to bar soap is a simple yet effective way to cut costs on personal care items while embracing a more eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyle. Bar soap not only tends to be more affordable than liquid alternatives but also minimizes packaging waste, making it a win-win for both your wallet and the environment.

Bar soap serves as a versatile alternative to liquid soaps and body washes. It comes in various formulations to cater to different skin types, offering a cost-effective solution for cleansing. Additionally, bar soaps often come with minimal or plastic-free packaging, reducing the environmental impact
associated with personal care products.

17. Solar Cooking

Harnessing the power of the sun for cooking is an eco-friendly and cost-effective approach that not only saves money on energy bills but also reduces reliance on traditional cooking methods. Solar cooking utilizes sunlight to prepare meals, offering a sustainable alternative that aligns with both frugality and environmental consciousness.

Solar cooking relies on the sun’s energy to heat and cook food. Various solar cookers and ovens are available, ranging from simple DIY setups to more advanced commercially available options. These devices capture sunlight, convert it to heat, and create a cooking environment inside, making it possible to prepare a wide range of dishes without conventional fuel sources.

18. Turn Off Lights

The simple act of turning off lights when not in use may seem like a small gesture, but it can lead to substantial savings on your energy bill and contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle. Adopting this habit not only promotes energy efficiency but also reflects a mindful approach towards resource conservation.

Leaving lights on when they’re not needed contributes to unnecessary energy consumption. By consistently turning off lights, you reduce electricity usage, resulting in lower utility bills and a decreased environmental impact. This straightforward practice is a cornerstone of frugal living and environmental stewardship.

19. No-Appliance Days

Designating specific days as “No-Appliance Days” is a mindful and frugal approach to managing energy consumption in your household. By intentionally limiting the use of energy-intensive appliances, you not only save on electricity costs but also reduce your environmental footprint. This practice encourages a heightened awareness of energy consumption and promotes a more sustainable lifestyle.

No-Appliance Days involve consciously refraining from using major energy-consuming appliances for a set period. This can include a variety of devices, such as washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, and other non-essential electronics. The goal is to minimize reliance on electricity during these designated days, fostering a sense of resource-conscious living.

20. Reusable Water Bottles

Making the switch to reusable water bottles is a simple yet impactful step towards frugality, environmental sustainability, and personal health. By opting for a reusable alternative over single-use plastic bottles, you not only save money but also contribute to reducing plastic waste and promoting a greener, healthier planet.

Reusable water bottles are designed to be durable, convenient, and environmentally friendly. By refilling your bottle with tap water or filtered water, you eliminate the need for disposable plastic bottles, reducing the overall demand for single-use plastics. This eco-conscious choice not only saves money in the long run but also supports a more sustainable lifestyle.

21. Home Gardening

Embarking on the journey of home gardening is not only a rewarding and fulfilling endeavor but also a strategic move towards a more frugal and sustainable lifestyle. Growing your own fruits, vegetables, and herbs at home not only saves money on grocery bills but also fosters a deeper connection with nature and the food you consume.

Home gardening involves cultivating plants in and around your residence, whether it’s a small balcony, backyard, or even indoor spaces. By growing your own produce, you have greater control over the quality and variety of your food, and you reduce your reliance on store-bought items. This hands-on approach to food production can lead to significant savings while promoting

22. Sell Unused Items

Clearing out clutter and earning extra cash can go hand in hand through the simple yet powerful practice of selling unused items. Whether it’s clothing, electronics, furniture, or collectibles, parting ways with items you no longer need not only declutters your living space but also adds a financial boost to your budget.

Selling unused items involves identifying belongings that are in good condition but no longer serve a purpose in your life. By finding new homes for these items, you not only declutter your space but also generate income. Platforms such as online marketplaces, garage sales, or consignment stores provide various avenues to connect with potential buyers.

23. Use Cloth Diapers

Embracing cloth diapers for your baby is not just a financially savvy choice; it’s a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to disposable diapers. By making this shift, you not only save money in the long run but also contribute to reducing environmental waste associated with disposable diaper usage.

Cloth diapers are washable, reusable alternatives to disposable diapers. They come in various styles, including prefolds, fitted diapers, and pocket diapers. By opting for cloth, you eliminate the ongoing expense of purchasing disposable diapers and reduce the environmental impact caused by their disposal.

24. Upcycling Furniture

Upcycling furniture is a creative and budget-friendly way to breathe new life into old or worn-out pieces. Instead of discarding furniture that has seen better days, upcycling allows you to transform it into something stylish and unique. This not only saves money on purchasing new items but also contributes to a sustainable and personalized home decor.

Upcycling involves repurposing and revamping furniture using creative techniques. This can include painting, staining, decoupage, reupholstering, or combining multiple pieces to create something entirely new. The goal is to give old furniture a fresh and modern look, extending its lifespan and diverting it from the landfill.

25. Car Maintenance DIY

Taking charge of your car’s maintenance through do-it-yourself (DIY) methods is not just a cost-saving endeavor; it’s a practical and empowering way to ensure your vehicle stays in optimal condition. From basic tasks to more advanced repairs, DIY car maintenance allows you to keep your car running smoothly without breaking the bank on professional services.

DIY car maintenance involves performing routine checks, preventive measures, and basic repairs on your own. This can include tasks like oil changes, tire rotations, brake pad replacements, and fluid top-ups. By acquiring essential skills and investing in a few tools, you’ll be able to handle various aspects of your car’s maintenance without relying solely on professional mechanics.

26. Free Trial Exploration: Maximizing Benefits without Breaking the Bank

Navigating the world of free trials can be a savvy way to explore services, products, and entertainment options without committing to long-term expenses. However, it’s essential to approach free trials strategically to maximize their benefits while avoiding unwanted charges. By leveraging these trials effectively, you can enjoy a variety of offerings without breaking the bank.

Free trials are promotional periods during which you can test a product or service before deciding whether to subscribe or purchase. While these trials can provide valuable insights, it’s crucial to be mindful of cancellation deadlines and terms to avoid unintended charges when the trial period ends.

27. DIY Gifts: Crafting Thoughtful Presents on a Budget

Creating your own gifts is not just a crafty endeavor; it’s a heartfelt way to express your creativity and thoughtfulness without straining your budget. DIY gifts carry a personal touch that can make them even more cherished by recipients. From handmade crafts to culinary delights, there are endless possibilities for creating memorable and budget-friendly presents.

DIY gifts involve using your skills and creativity to craft unique and personalized items for friends, family, or colleagues. From homemade candles and custom artwork to baked goods and DIY spa kits, these thoughtful creations often carry more sentimental value than store-bought gifts.

28. Line-Drying Clothes: Embracing Freshness, Frugality, and Sustainability

Line-drying clothes is a timeless and eco-friendly approach to laundry that not only imparts a natural freshness to your garments but also offers economic and environmental benefits. By harnessing the power of the sun and wind, you can reduce energy costs, extend the lifespan of your clothing, and contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle.

Line-drying involves hanging wet laundry outdoors or indoors to air dry. Whether using a traditional clothesline, a drying rack, or other creative solutions, this method allows clothing to dry naturally through exposure to air and sunlight. It’s a simple yet effective practice that aligns with frugal living and environmental consciousness.

29. Refillable Water Filters: Sipping Sustainably and Economically

Opting for refillable water filters is a strategic and eco-friendly choice that not only ensures access to clean, filtered water but also contributes to reducing plastic waste. By investing in a reusable water filtration system, you can enjoy cost savings, minimize environmental impact, and embrace a sustainable alternative to single-use bottled water.

Refillable water filters typically come in the form of pitchers, bottles, or countertop systems equipped with replaceable filter cartridges. These filters are designed to remove impurities and enhance the taste of tap water, providing a convenient and sustainable solution for staying hydrated without resorting to disposable plastic bottles.

30. Public Parks: Nature’s Haven for Frugal Relaxation and Recreation

Public parks stand as serene, budget-friendly oases in the heart of bustling urban landscapes. These green spaces offer more than just a breath of fresh air; they provide a multitude of recreational opportunities, natural beauty, and a chance to unwind without depleting your wallet. Discover the myriad benefits of embracing public parks for both mental well-being and frugal leisure.

Public parks are communal spaces maintained by municipalities for the enjoyment of residents and visitors alike. They often feature open green areas, walking paths, playgrounds, and recreational facilities. By taking advantage of these freely accessible spaces, individuals can engage in a variety of activities, from picnics and exercise to social gatherings and simple moments of relaxation.

31. Minimalist Wardrobe: Streamlining Style and Savings

A minimalist wardrobe isn’t just a trend; it’s a lifestyle choice that promotes simplicity, mindful consumption, and significant cost savings. By curating a wardrobe focused on essential, versatile pieces, you not only streamline your daily choices but also contribute to a frugal and sustainable approach to fashion.

A minimalist wardrobe involves paring down your clothing collection to a carefully selected set of high-quality, timeless pieces that can be mixed and matched effortlessly. The emphasis is on functionality, versatility, and reducing the overall quantity of clothing, leading to a more intentional and cost-effective approach to personal style.

32. Rent Out Unused Space: Transforming Space into Savings

Unlocking the potential of unused space in your home or property is not just a strategic way to maximize your living environment; it’s a practical approach to generating additional income. By renting out spare rooms, storage areas, or even parking spaces, you can turn underutilized space into a valuable asset and contribute to your financial goals.

How it works:
Renting out unused space involves identifying areas in your home or property that are not in regular use and offering them to individuals in need of such space. This can include renting out a spare bedroom on a long-term basis, leasing storage space, or providing parking spots for those in your vicinity.

33. DIY Pest Control: Navigating a Bug-Free Home on a Budget

Taking charge of pest control in your home doesn’t require costly professional services. Embracing a DIY approach allows you to manage and prevent pest issues effectively while keeping your budget intact. From common household pests to garden invaders, discover frugal and environmentally friendly methods to keep your living spaces bug-free.

How it works:
DIY pest control involves using natural and cost-effective methods to eliminate and deter pests from your home. By leveraging common household items and incorporating preventive measures, you can address pest problems without relying on expensive extermination services.

34. Free Local Events

Explore local events and activities that are free or low-cost, providing entertainment without breaking the bank. Many communities host free concerts, festivals, or outdoor activities. Take advantage of these opportunities to enjoy entertainment without spending a fortune.

Check local event calendars, community bulletin boards, or online platforms for information on free or low-cost events in your area. Invite friends or family to join you for a budget-friendly outing.

35. Library Resources

Libraries offer a treasure trove of free resources, including books, movies, music, and educational programs. Instead of buying books or subscribing to streaming services, utilize your local library. Borrowing items for free can save you money and introduce you to a variety of content.

Obtain a library card if you don’t already have one. Explore the library’s catalog, attend library events, and take advantage of the many resources available.

36. Streaming Services Alternatives

Consider alternative streaming services or explore free platforms to enjoy digital content without hefty subscription fees. Many streaming services offer free trials or have ad-supported options. Additionally, there are platforms that provide quality content without a subscription fee.

Explore alternative streaming services or platforms that offer free content. Experiment with a few options to find the ones that align with your preferences and budget.

37. Creating a Budget

Establishing a budget is the foundation of financial success. It provides a clear picture of your income, expenses, and savings goals. Create a detailed budget that outlines your monthly income, fixed expenses, variable expenses, and savings goals. Tracking your spending helps you identify areas where you can cut costs.

Gather information on your income and current expenses. Use budgeting tools or apps to create a comprehensive budget that aligns with your financial goals. Regularly review and adjust as needed.

38. Emergency Fund

Building an emergency fund is crucial for financial stability. It provides a safety net for unexpected expenses, preventing the need to rely on credit cards or loans.

Set aside a portion of your income into a dedicated savings account. Aim to accumulate three to six months’ worth of living expenses to cover unexpected events like medical emergencies or job loss.

Determine a realistic savings goal and allocate a portion of your income towards your emergency fund. Start small if necessary, and gradually increase the amount as your financial situation improves.

39. Negotiating Bills

Negotiating bills can result in lower monthly expenses, freeing up more money for savings or other financial goals.

Contact service providers such as cable, internet, or insurance companies to negotiate better rates. Loyalty discounts, promotional offers, or bundle deals may be available.

Research competitor prices and gather information on current promotions. Call your service providers to discuss your options and negotiate for better rates. Be polite but firm in expressing your desire for a more affordable plan.


Incorporating these 51 extreme frugality tips into your lifestyle can pave the way to significant financial savings. Remember, it’s not about depriving yourself but making conscious choices that align with your long-term financial goals. Embrace the journey towards extreme frugality, and you may be surprised at the positive impact on your bank account and overall well-being.

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