How to make money selling Ebooks – Step by Step Guide

By | January 29, 2024

The idea of making money by creating and selling ebooks is a popular way to earn passive income. Ebooks are digital books that can be read on electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers. They are relatively easy to create and distribute, and can be sold on various online platforms.

According to a recent study, ebook sales have exploded in the past few years, and the growth is expected to continue to grow at a steady annual rate of 3.92% up to 2028 internationally. Writing ebooks for money is also a common form of passive income, preferred by some, especially after the pandemic.

To make money writing ebooks, you need to create valuable content that people are willing to pay for. You can choose a niche that you are passionate about and write an ebook on that topic. Once you have written your ebook, you can sell it on various online platforms such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Smashwords, Rakuten Kobo, Sellfy, Payhip, and Gumroad.

It’s important to know your audience and price your ebook accordingly. You should also create an eye-catching cover design and a landing page to promote your ebook. Once you have published your ebook, you can track sales and nurture leads to increase your revenue1.

In conclusion, creating and selling ebooks is a great way to earn passive income. With the right content, marketing, and promotion, you can make a decent amount of money from selling ebooks. However, it’s important to note that writing ebooks for money takes a decent amount of effort and building a strong brand that will carry your ebook to success is not an overnight task.

1. Niche Research (BrainStorm ideas)

Writing and selling ebooks can be a lucrative business. To brainstorm topics, you can start by listing down your interests, hobbies, and professional background. This will help you identify areas where you have expertise and can write with ease. You can also think about topics that you enjoyed studying in school or that your friends and family think you’re good at.

Once you have a list of general ideas, consider breaking them down into smaller subtopics. For example, instead of writing a generic book on gardening, you can write an ebook about wintertime square-foot gardening in Texas. This will help you create more specialized content that is valuable to readers and can help you charge more for your work.

To do niche research, you can use Amazon’s search engine to find the most profitable keywords for your book. Start by putting yourself in the shoes of your readers and think about the kind of phrases they might enter into the Amazon search box when looking for your book. Use phrases that are 2-4 words long and avoid using single words, as they are too generic and won’t work. You can also use Amazon’s Book Sales Calculator to see where your competitors’ books rank compared to other books within the entire Kindle store. This will help you identify gaps in the market and find profitable niches.

In addition to Amazon, you can also use other tools to find profitable niches. For example, you can use Affilimate to size up your competition and create a content plan. You can also use Digginet to find profitable book topics and use AMZ Suggestion Expander to see what keywords people use when trying to find books about your topic on Amazon.

Remember to choose a subject that truly interests you and captures your attention. This will make writing more fun and enjoyable for you, and your enthusiasm for the topic will come through in your writing. Good luck with your ebook writing and selling journey!

2. Create an outline for the Ebook

Sure, I can help you with creating an outline for your ebook. An outline is a plan or a blueprint for your ebook that helps you organize your ideas, structure your content, and avoid writer’s block. Here are some steps to create an outline for your ebook:

Choose a topic that matches your audience’s needs and interests. You want to write about something that you are knowledgeable and passionate about, but also something that your readers will find valuable and useful. You can use keyword research tools, online forums, social media, or surveys to find out what your potential readers are looking for.

Conduct research on your topic and gather relevant information, facts, statistics, quotes, examples, and sources. You can use online search engines, libraries, books, journals, podcasts, videos, or interviews to find reliable and credible information. You can also use tools like Evernote or Zotero to organize and manage your research notes.

Outline each chapter of your ebook using the main topics as headings. You can use a mind map, a bullet list, or a spreadsheet to create a visual representation of your ebook structure. You can also use tools like Hyperwrite or HubSpot to generate an outline based on your book title or theme. Try to make each chapter flow logically into the next and cover one main idea or point per chapter.

Break each chapter down into subheadings, key points, and supporting details. You can use the question words (what, how, who, where, when, why) or the compare and contrast method to generate subheadings and key points. You can also use the research you gathered in step 2 to provide supporting details, such as facts, statistics, quotes, examples, and sources. Make sure to cite your sources properly and avoid plagiarism.

Review and refine your outline, making any necessary edits or adjustments to ensure it aligns with your vision and goals. You can also ask for feedback from your peers, mentors, or potential readers to improve your outline and make it more appealing and engaging.

3. Writing the Ebook Content

Writing an ebook is a great way to share your knowledge and expertise with the world, and also earn some income. You have already done the first two steps of creating an ebook: choosing a topic and making an outline. Now, you need to follow these steps to write the actual content of your ebook:

Set aside time for writing. Writing an ebook requires discipline and commitment. You need to schedule regular writing sessions and stick to them until you finish your ebook. You can use tools like Pomodoro or Focusmate to help you stay focused and productive.

Write each chapter of your ebook by following your outline. Your outline is your guide for what to write in each section of your ebook. You can use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and other formatting elements to organize your content and make it easy to read. You can also use examples, stories, quotes, statistics, and other types of evidence to support your main points and engage your readers. You can use tools like Grammarly or Hemingway to help you improve your writing style and avoid errors.

Self-edit your rough draft. After you finish writing your ebook, you need to review it and make sure it is clear, coherent, and consistent. You need to check for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and formatting errors, as well as for logical flow, clarity of expression, and accuracy of information. You can use tools like ProWritingAid or AutoCrit to help you with this process.

Get a professional edit for your ebook. Even if you are confident in your writing skills, it is always a good idea to get a second pair of eyes to look over your ebook and give you feedback. A professional editor can help you polish your ebook and make it ready for publication. You can find editors on platforms like Reedsy or Fiverr, or ask for recommendations from other writers.

These are the basic steps to write an ebook. However, there are many more details and tips that you can learn from other sources.

4. Design the Ebook Cover

The next step is to design an attractive and professional ebook cover that can catch the attention of your potential readers. Here are some steps you can follow to create your own ebook cover for free:

1. Choose an online design tool or software that suits your needs and preferences. Some popular options are Canva, Kapwing, and Kindlepreneur. These tools have many templates, features, and tutorials to help you design your ebook cover easily and quickly.

2. Set your ebook cover dimensions according to the platform or format you want to publish your ebook on. For example, Amazon Kindle recommends a size of 1600 x 2560 pixels for ebook covers. You can also use a standard size of 6 x 9 inches for most ebook covers.

3. Find images that match the theme and genre of your ebook. You can use your own photos, or browse through the millions of stock images and icons available in the online design tools. Make sure the images are high-quality, relevant, and eye-catching.

4. Pick your colors and fonts carefully. Use colors that contrast well with each other and create a mood or tone for your ebook. For example, you can use dark colors for a thriller or mystery ebook, or bright colors for a romance or comedy ebook. Use fonts that are clear, readable, and suit the style of your ebook. For example, you can use a serif font for a classic or historical ebook, or a sans serif font for a modern or futuristic ebook.

5. Add and arrange your text and design elements on your ebook cover. The text should include your ebook title, subtitle, and author name. You can also add a tagline, a quote, or a testimonial if you want. The design elements should enhance the visual appeal of your ebook cover and complement the text. You can use shapes, borders, shadows, gradients, or filters to create a unique and compelling ebook cover.

6. Test your ebook cover by previewing it on different devices and platforms. Make sure it looks good and stands out from other ebooks in your niche or genre. You can also ask for feedback from your friends, family, or target audience to see if they find your ebook cover attractive and interesting.

7. Save and download your ebook cover in a suitable format and resolution. You can use JPG or PNG for most ebook covers, as they are widely supported and have good quality. You can also use PDF for some ebook platforms, as it preserves the layout and fonts of your ebook cover⁴.

8. Upload and share your ebook cover online with your potential readers. You can use social media, blogs, websites, or email to promote your ebook and generate interest and sales.

5. Format your ebook

Formatting your ebook is an important step to make it look professional and readable on different devices.

You can use a free online tool like Reedsy Book Editor or Adobe Acrobat to format your ebook easily and quickly. These tools will help you create print and ebook files in different formats, such as PDF, EPUB, and MOBI.

The standard page size for ebooks is 6 x 9 inches, but you can also use other sizes depending on your preference and genre. You can adjust the page size in the formatting software settings.

Keep ample margins. Margins are the spaces between the text and the edges of the page. They make your ebook more comfortable to read and prevent the text from being cut off by the device. A good rule of thumb is to keep at least 0.5 inches of margin on all sides of the page.

Use a readable font style and size – The font style and size affect the readability and appearance of your ebook. You should use a simple and clear font, such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri, and avoid fancy or decorative fonts. The font size should be between 10 and 14 points, depending on the font style and the length of your ebook.

5. Format your text. You should format your text according to the type and purpose of each paragraph. For example, you can use headings to organize your content, lists to present multiple items or options, quotations to highlight important quotes, and bold, italic, or underline to emphasize certain words or phrases. You can also use links and cross-references to connect different parts of your ebook or external sources.

6. Embellish chapter headings. Chapter headings are the titles of each section of your ebook. They help the reader navigate your ebook and create interest and curiosity. You can embellish your chapter headings by using a larger font size, a different font style, or a color that matches your cover design. You can also add images, icons, or symbols to make your chapter headings more attractive and unique.

7. Create front and end matter. Front and end matter are the pages that come before and after the main content of your ebook. They include information such as the title page, the table of contents, the copyright page, the dedication page, the acknowledgments page, the author bio, and the call to action. You should create these pages to give your ebook a professional look and provide useful information to your readers.

6. Publishing your Ebook

The publishing process can vary depending on your goals and preferences.

First you need to choose a platform to publish your ebook. There are many options available, such as Amazon KDP, Smashwords, Apple Books, Google Play Books, etc. Each platform has its own benefits and drawbacks, so you should research them carefully before deciding. For example, Amazon KDP is the most popular and widely used platform, but it also has some restrictions and fees that you should be aware of¹².

Create an account on your chosen platform and fill out the required information, such as your name, address, tax details, bank account, etc. You will also need to agree to the terms and conditions of the platform and follow their guidelines for publishing.

Upload your ebook file and cover image to the platform. You may need to format your ebook according to the platform’s specifications, such as file type, size, layout, etc. You can use tools like Calibre, Vellum, or Reedsy to help you with formatting³. You should also make sure that your cover image is attractive, professional, and relevant to your ebook genre and topic.

Add your ebook details, such as title, subtitle, author name, description, keywords, categories, etc. These details will help readers find and buy your ebook, so you should choose them carefully and optimize them for SEO and discoverability. You can use tools like Publisher Rocket, KDP Rocket, or Kindle Spy to help you with keyword research and category selection³.

Set your ebook price and royalty options: You can choose between different royalty rates and pricing models, depending on the platform and the market. For example, on Amazon KDP, you can choose between 35% or 70% royalty rate, and you can also enroll your ebook in KDP Select, which gives you access to Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Owners’ Lending Library, but also requires you to make your ebook exclusive to Amazon¹. You should also consider factors like your ebook length, quality, genre, audience, competition, etc. when setting your price.

Publish your ebook and wait for approval. Depending on the platform, it may take from a few hours to a few days for your ebook to go live and be available for purchase. You should also check your ebook page and preview your ebook to make sure everything looks good and works well.

Promote your ebook and get reviews: Once your ebook is published, you should start marketing it and building your audience. You can use various strategies, such as creating a website, blog, or social media accounts, building an email list, offering free or discounted copies, running ads or giveaways, joining online communities, etc. You should also encourage your readers to leave honest reviews, as they can boost your ebook ranking and visibility³.

These are the basic steps for how to publish an ebook. However, you should also keep in mind that publishing is an ongoing process, and you should always monitor your ebook performance, update your ebook details, and improve your ebook quality and marketing.

7. Promoting your ebooks

Promoting your ebook is an essential step to reach your target audience and generate sales. Here are some ideas on how to market your ebook effectively:

Leverage social media: Use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to share your ebook with your followers and potential readers. Create engaging posts that showcase the value of your ebook, such as snippets, testimonials, or infographics. You can also join relevant groups or communities where you can interact with other authors and readers, and promote your ebook organically¹.

Offer limited-time promotions: Everyone loves a deal. You can attract more readers by offering discounts, giveaways, or free samples of your ebook for a limited period of time. This can create a sense of urgency and encourage impulse buying. You can also use platforms like BookBub or Goodreads to feature your ebook deals to a large audience of book lovers².

Use email marketing: Email is a powerful tool to communicate with your existing subscribers and leads. You can use email marketing to announce the launch of your ebook, share valuable content related to your ebook topic, and send reminders or follow-ups to encourage conversions. You can also segment your email list based on the interests, preferences, or behavior of your subscribers, and tailor your messages accordingly³.

Create a landing page: A landing page is a dedicated web page that showcases your ebook and persuades visitors to take action, such as downloading, buying, or sharing your ebook. A landing page should have a clear and catchy headline, a compelling copy, a captivating cover image, and a strong call-to-action. You can also include social proof, such as reviews, ratings, or endorsements, to boost your credibility and trustworthiness³.

Transform your ebook into other types of content: You can repurpose your ebook content into different formats, such as blog posts, podcasts, videos, webinars, or slideshows, and distribute them on various channels. This can help you reach a wider audience, increase your visibility, and drive more traffic to your ebook landing page. You can also use these content pieces to showcase your expertise and authority on your ebook topic, and entice your audience to learn more¹.

Best Tools

Writing an ebook can be a rewarding and profitable endeavor, but it also requires some planning and preparation. There are many tools and software available to help you with different aspects of ebook creation, such as writing, editing, formatting, converting, and publishing. Here are some of the best tools for each stage of writing an ebook:

1. Writing: You can use a word processor like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or Pages to write your ebook content. These tools are easy to use and have many features to help you organize your thoughts and structure your ebook. Alternatively, you can use a specialized writing software like Scrivener, Ulysses, or Jasper AI to create your ebook. These tools are designed for authors and offer more advanced features like outlining, research, distraction-free writing, and exporting to different formats.

2. Editing: After you finish writing your ebook, you need to edit and proofread it to ensure it is error-free and engaging. You can use a grammar checker tool like Grammarly, ProWritingAid, or Hemingway to improve your writing style, clarity, and accuracy. These tools can also help you avoid plagiarism and enhance your vocabulary. You can also hire a professional editor or use a peer-review platform like Reedsy or Scribophile to get feedback and suggestions from other writers and experts.

3. Formatting: Formatting your ebook is an important step to make it look professional and appealing to your readers. You can use a formatting tool like Vellum, Kotobee, or Adobe InDesign to create beautiful and consistent layouts for your ebook. These tools allow you to customize your fonts, colors, images, and other elements to suit your ebook genre and style. You can also use a conversion tool like Calibre, PublishDrive, or Designrr to convert your ebook to different formats like PDF, EPUB, MOBI, or KPF, depending on where you want to publish it.

4. Publishing: The final stage of writing an ebook is publishing it and reaching your target audience. You can use a self-publishing platform like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Apple Books, or Google Play Books to upload and sell your ebook online. These platforms offer you various benefits like royalties, distribution, and marketing tools. You can also use a marketing tool like Beacon, Flipsnack, or Visme to create promotional materials like landing pages, lead magnets, or social media posts to attract and engage your readers..


In conclusion, creating and selling ebooks is a practical means for individuals to monetize their expertise, passion, or creative endeavors in the digital age. The process involves crafting digital books and distributing them through online platforms, catering to specific niches and audiences. The success of this venture lies in strategic planning, effective marketing, and adaptability.

Authors need to identify a niche, either based on their expertise or interests, and create valuable content that meets the needs of a targeted audience. Choosing the right platform, pricing competitively, and utilizing promotional opportunities during launch are essential steps in the process. Marketing efforts, encompassing online presence through websites and social media, play a pivotal role in building a brand and attracting potential buyers.

The quality of content, represented by engaging cover designs, compelling book descriptions, and positive reviews, contributes significantly to sales. Exclusive deals, participation in promotional programs, and exploring additional revenue streams, such as audiobooks, provide avenues for increasing income.

Success in selling ebooks is an ongoing journey that demands persistence and adaptability. Authors should stay attuned to feedback and market trends, refining their strategies to remain relevant and meet the evolving needs of their audience. The digital landscape offers a global reach, allowing authors to connect with readers from various corners of the world.

Ultimately, the process of creating and selling ebooks is not just about generating income; it’s a means of sharing knowledge, stories, and insights with a broader digital audience. As technology continues to shape the way we consume content, the opportunities for individuals to thrive in the ebook market are abundant, making it an accessible and potentially lucrative avenue for those willing to invest time and effort into their craft.

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